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A.I Explained

The year 2017 was one of the most frightful years in the human history, because during this year between the months of July and August, Facebook's one experiment has created panic around the world. Yes, I am talking about that Facebook which we use on our daily basis. What actually happened that Facebook's engineers were working on making a very advanced chatbot. Chatbots are a.i which help us instead of real humans and can talk(while chatting) just like a human. You may have also came across with such chatbots. But Facebook was trying to make a chatbot which can actually memic human behaviours like laughing, crying, shouting, showing angriness while talking to a person. During this experiment Facebook's one of the intelligent developer thought that let's make two bots/programmes talk to each other  instead of talking to humans. He (the developer) named the bots BOB and ALICE. To their surprise the two bots started talking in a very strange manner. And what they talked about is given below
Facebook's developers have no idea of what the two bots were talking about. Then after further investigation they realised that the bots have developed a new language and were talking in their own language so that, us the humans cannot understand of what they were talking about.
Making a new language is not a cup of tea for everyone. It can be done only by more intelligent beings like the humans. Computers have created a new language which is impossible in the world of progammes .The two programmes/bots have developed a new language by the power of Artificial Neural Networks. After a couple of days after this incident, International News reported that Facebook has shutdown these two bots after many struggles. The two programmes were shutdown because the engineers thought that they have became "SMART" and were getting out of control. Anyway this was one of the most frightful event in the world of Artificial Intelligence.
So this was Facebook's story. Artificial Intelligence basically means a computer programme which has the ability to think and is capable of doing such things which a normal person can't. I'm not talking about future, it has came and is present among us , most people are actually not aware of it and don't know at what pace A.I is developing. May you don't know but you are using this Artificial Intelligence, each and everytime.
Amazon's Alexa, Apple's SiriThe Google Assistant are all examples of A.I. You may even don't know how they influence our daily life. Though A.I. is very useful to us but here we are not talking about that, we are talking about the more dangerous type of Artificial Intelligence
Their is a law known as the Moore's Law which states that the number of transistors (in computers) will double in every 1 to 2 years and since the invention of the first computer, till today this law is valid. Though we don't have such destructive A.I among us but it will be coming in the next 30 to 40 years. Sir Stephen Hawkings, during his lifetime has said that "Artificial Intelligence could end mankind". If we lose our control over computers then their will be a war between computers and humans, a war which humans can never win. Because a fully developed A.I's power will be unlimited times more than us.
Let me tell you a fact today, if we compare an ape and a human in terms of Intelligence, an ape's Intelligence is 55 and human's Intelligence is 60 . So the difference is not that big. But that small gap can change everything, we humans are the most superior being on this planet, we are able to build tall high rise buildings, doing great new inventions and discovery whereas apes despite of being intelligent are unable to do so. If we measure the creatures on the planet in terms of Intelligence then a rat will get 1, a dolphin will get 4, a chimpanzee will get 7 and a human will get 9, but if in this list an Artificial Intelligence is developed than it will get a hooping 1000 points and may be more than that. Human's despite of being so intelligent could score only 9 points, this is because our Intelligence is limited because we have limited number of neurons in our brain which is present inside a skull because of that limited space. But a computer will have no such limit because a computer can expand itself as much as it wants, in short computers can have unlimited power.
From today 1000 years later in the future, when a processers capacity will increase by 1000 times then they can access much more computing power much more means much more, just virtually unlimited
This means that advancements in A.I can also be dangerous. Computers can communicate at a speed of 3 lakh Km/Sec, whereas the human brain can communicate only at a speed 400 Km/Hrs, which is just nothing infront of a computer.
So we have talked about the future. But today in present we have no such computer which can surpass a human's Intelligence. But if a computer can surpass a human's Intelligence by only 1% then this event will be known as Singularity. Then it will be the beginning of a story from were the end of human's will start. Today's A.I's are working in a boundary but they are advancing at a much faster pace and we human's are only doing this in the name of technology. Now you may wonder in how much time such destructive A.I can come, so some
researchers suggest that it may come by 2040. You may wonder how it can come so early, so let me tell you that whatever development that has occurred in the field of science and tech has only occurred during the last 50 years. Researchers suggest that the concept of Singularity will definitely occur, but then what will exactly happen no one can tell. But the theories about this are very amazing. If it happens, then their will be 2 situations:
Case 1: Either they will make us extinct and increase their population. Or
Case 2: They can help us and can make humans immortal with their unlimited Intelligence.(if they can develop emotions)
Theorists suggest that if it happens then their will be two types of Artificial Intelligence good and bad just like in the case of humans and the number of good people are more that's why our world is sustained. But what will happen in the case of computers, we have no answer. We can just wait and watch.

I know it has become a very big blog. I have tried to explain you in the best possible way I can. Hope you liked it. Let me know in the comments, what do you think of Artificial Intelligence? Is it a friend or foe?
So that's it for today, I will catch you in the next one.
