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Rise of The Dark Web

Hello friends 
In this blog, we will have a detailed discussion about The Dark Web and how this hidden web started and how this wonderful technology was corrupted by a few people for their own greed. How the TOR started and some misconceptions about The Dark Web. So dark Web is basically the part of the internet which is hidden from the common people, which require certain specific softwares and skills to access it. You cannot surf the dark web with the regular browsers such as Google or Safari.
So let's start from the beginning. The year 1969 basically the starting period of the internet, ARPANET came in light, through which people can send secret messages, but it can be only used by the military, not something for the common people. Then came the year 1980 when it was made accessible for the common people. Then when people saw that they can send messages anonymously and such a part of the internet which is hidden and untraceable then some bad minds have started using this technology for their own greeds. Then came the year 2000 another software the Free Net came in light, when netizens noticed that they can do whatever they want and no one can is able to trace them then all the illegal activities such as piracy, illegal products, movies started to boom and through which a dark side of the internet can be surfed without leaving behind any traces, which was very new to the world. Then came the year 2002 the US Naval Research Laboratory have created the onion router aka TOR which can hide your IP Address among all other IP'S so that you can surf the web anonymously without reveling your identity. And it was the starting of the present world's infamous dark web. Also you will be shocked to know that the Government of USA provides funds for this projects. TOR was also not made for the common people it was made for the secret agents of US who were working in sophisticated countries like China and North Korea. So that they can communicate with their defense department.
When the people learned about such a browser through which they can remain hidden and anonymous then the Governments of the US made it opened for the public. You may have heard a guy named Edward Snowden a journalist from US abused the Governments of different countries that they keep a track of their citizen's Gmail accounts and other personal data, which is wrong. So many journalists, reporters and secret agents use the dark web so that they can oppose the Government if they are doing anything wrong. Do you know that basically most of the websites on the dark web are discussion forums so that people can discuss freely about various topics without any restrictions. Also people talk about those disgusting or abhor thinking of the human mind which a common person will fear of taking about. This technology was abused. And all this lead to the starting of The Silk Road. The silk road was an online blackmarket and the first modern darknet market were illegal goods were sold and bought. Then FBICIA and all other governments have closed this website. After the closing of this website then emerged the Silk Road 2.0 which was also shutdown. The creator of the silk road himself says that "you can kill the silk road but you cannot kill the idea of the silk road". So the question was how the transactions on the silk road took place. A person named Satoshi Nakamoto from China had introduced Bitcoin a cyrptocurrency, to the world in 2009 which was untraceable. So when people found an anonymous network the dark web plus such a currency which was untraceable, which 
proved to be a valuable asset to the cyber criminals through which they can buy anything and from anywhere around the world from on the silk road. So Bitcoin and the dark web created a big empire of the illegal goods and in 2013 when people started investing in Bitcoins, the illegal activities on the dark web boomed. So that was the starting of the dark web which we know today. Now let me share some facts about the dark web with you.
1. 21% of the users of the dark web belongs to Russia.
2. The Dark Web is also used by the Chinese people to speak against their Government as you know that the Government of China has a separate internet so that the people of China cannot share what is happening in their country. Thus the dark web becomes a great tool for the people of China.
3. A sound minded person can also become sick if he/she surfs the dark web as I have told you that it is full of disgusting and non sense websites which are full of illogical stuff you might have heard about. So you must not visit here.
4. The dark web is full of experiments conducted by crazy scientists and pictures of animals like Cupacavra, the bigfoot and is full of such unknown creatures and weird stuff.
And always remember a thing that anything which you post in the internet is present forever and if you think that I have deleted them and they are gone then I have tell you that you are wrong.

So that was a detailed discussion about the dark web and how a wonderful technology is abused by many people for their greed. I hope you have learned something new today. And stay tuned till the next one.
