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Crypto The Future Currency

 If you are in the world of tech then you might have guessed what we are going to discuss today and if not then stay tuned. Bitcoin , Dogecoin , Ethereum etc are on a boom throughout the world. People are investing like hell on them. But what is basically crypto ? So to be simple and precise cryptocurrency is a binary data designed to work as a medium of exchange where individual coin ownership records are stored in a ledger existing in a computerized database.  So from the very beginning of time people started the trade of goods for goods or certain services like the barter system where you need to find a person who needs what you have and in return will provide you something of your need. But the flaw was that you need to find some like minded people who are willing to get your stuff. Then as the human civilisation moves on came the time when people started using coins made of precious metals such as gold, silver and bronze, but they were having some value w
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Rise of The Dark Web

Hello friends  In this blog, we will have a detailed discussion about The Dark Web and how this hidden web started and how this wonderful technology was corrupted by a few people for their own greed . How the TOR started and some misconceptions about The Dark Web . So dark Web is basically the part of the internet which is hidden from the common people, which require certain specific softwares and skills to access it. You cannot surf the dark web with the regular browsers such as Google or Safari. So let's start from the beginning. The year 1969  basically the starting period of the internet, ARPANET came in light, through which people can send secret messages, but it can be only used by the military, not something for the common people. Then came the year 1980 when it was made accessible for the common people. Then when people saw that they can send messages anonymously and such a part of the  internet which is hidden and untraceable then some bad minds have started us

The Pegasus Spyware Explained

Pegasus is a spyware  developed by an Israeli Tech company,  The NSO Group . The spyware is named after the mythical winged horse Pegasus -it is a trojan horse that can be sent "through the air" to infect the phones. It is basically   used by the Governments around the world to keep a track on the criminals and terrorists.The spyware has the capability of installing on any android device and on all recent ios versions upto ios 14.6 . According to the Washington Post and other prominent media sources, Pegasus not only can take control on your texts, emails, web searches but it can also enable phone call and location details, while permitting The   NSO Group to fully hijack the mobile's microphone and camera, without letting the preson know it's presence (since it is used to spy on criminals and terrorists).  But recently it came in light because it has been revealed that hundreds of phones in India  have become a target of this spyware .  Pegas

A.I Explained

The year 2017 was one of the most frightful years in the human history, because during this year between the months of July and August, Facebook's one experiment has created panic around the world. Yes, I am talking about that  Facebook which we use on our daily basis. What actually happened that Facebook's engineers were working on making a very advanced chatbot . Chatbots are a.i which help us instead of real humans and can talk(while chatting) just like a human. You may have also came across with such chatbots . But Facebook was trying to make a chatbot which can actually memic human behaviours like laughing, crying, shouting, showing angriness while talking to a person. During this experiment Facebook's one of the intelligent developer thought that let's make two  bots / programmes  talk to each other  instead of talking to humans. He (the developer) named the bots BOB and ALICE . To their surprise the two bots started talking in a very strange manner.

Parts of the internet explained

Do you know how many parts we have in the internet . The portion of the internet  (also known as the surface web ) which we generally use, consists only 10% of the total information that is available on the internet . There is a much larger portion of the internet which is hidden from the common people or the part of the web not indexed by a  web search engine. Shocked right? So today in this blog I am going to explain you about the different parts of the internet . So basically there are eight  different parts of the internet: 1. The surface web  2.  The bergie web 3. The deep web 4. The charter web 5. The Marianas web 6. The fog/virus soup 7. The primarch system And last but not the least, The dark web .  But in this blog, today we will be mostly talking about, the surface web, the deep web and the dark web THE SURFACE WEB: The name itself suggests, the surface web  (also called the visible web ,  indexed web  or the light net ) is the part of the internet

Tech in daily life

Hello friends This is my first blog . Here we will discuss about technology  in our daily life. Technology or tech can be defined as the science or knowledge which is put into practical use to solve problems or invent useful tools. In the present world almost half of the population uses Internet . We just can't imagine ourselves without the Internet. Or simply  tech can be explained as anything which helps to reduce human effort.Just imagine yourself without the internet for a couple of weeks. Can you survive? Probably not. Tech has made our lives so much easy that we can't imagine our life without it.From the click on a switch to turn on a fan to the astronaut flying rockets,  tech  is everywhere. And you know NASA is trying to send humans to Mars by 2033.  Now you cannot deny the fact that you are not using any tech product. Almost everyone of us is having a smartphone and we use it for our daily purposes. And now in the time of covid 19 people are m